During the pandemic lockdowns, we all noticed the improvements in air quality with the reduction of traffic movement. In November, the UK Government led the world in announcing an acceleration in the ban of internal combustion cars and vans to 2030, which Volta Trucks supported, and called for the ban to extend to commercial vehicles too. 2021 will also see the COP26 gathering of world leaders, meeting to set the agenda for the next stage of tackling the climate emergency. All of these milestones point to an acceleration in mainstream awareness of global warming and air pollution and, vitally importantly, a willingness not to just talk positively then procrastinate, but to take action. We all need to change our approach, behaviours and purchasing to help improve the world around us. A sustainability-first approach to mobility will transform the environments we live and work in. We still need to do much of what we do today, but we need to do it in a far more environmental way, always considering the impact on our surroundings. We must make these coming few years count in the drive towards zero emissions.